Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Sarasota gig imminent!
dat b rot ma droogidotes. us, we, a.k.a. LARGE MAMMAL, will b showcasin our ill-lust-ree-uss talents etc.. @ THE CLUBHOUSE LOUNGE (corner of bee ridge and tuttle in sara's soda. ) I proclaim that it will b : FRIDAY , MARCH THE THIRD. n dat aint no lie. we b sandwiched between two yummy slices of rock bands also showcasing their fine gooods. the show starts around 9:30p.m., but we appear at about 10:30-11p.m. and play for around 1 hr. rokkin goood fun for 1 and awl. will shirts and discs b on sale there 4 supa cheep? HELLFREEKIN YESSS! so b there ore yule havta listen to alla yer feinds describin 2 ya how awesomely kikkass it were. peas in da hood!-min. t
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
my haid iz still rizz-aingin'!

to all who made the dreaded but necessary journey to braidingtown, we here at mammal central says:" THANXONEHELLUVAFREEKKINBIZZOMPALOOMADOCIOUS MA BABEEEZ!!!!" Oh, whatta reelie greet thyme was hizz-ad by one and (mostly) all. Ma deapest appollogeez 2 thoze who may have gotten too close and have any permanent damage, but Large Mammal corp. or any of it's subsiddiaries claim no liabilities and kin neither confirm nor deny any such rumours... Much dancin, Much drinkin, then mo dancin, finished off by a bartop filled with beautiful dancin wymyns!! beats a sharp stikk in tha eye on the worst of days! will post sum pix as i getum,yer humble servant,-da rev.